24. Watch and Pray
How often is this saying of the Son of God passed on as well-meant advice and warning, but neither the one giving the advice nor the one to whom it is given take the trouble to think about what is actually meant by these words.
Every person knows what is meant by praying, or rather, he thinks he knows, although in reality he does not. He also thinks he understands what it means to watch, and yet he is far from it.
“Watch and pray” is the figurative rendering of the admonition to be alert and intuitive, that is, to be active in the spirit! Spirit in the true sense, not taken as brain activity, for the mode of expression of the living human spirit is intuition only. In nothing else is the spirit of man active, that is, his original core, which has formed itself into the actual "ego" in the wandering through the Subsequent Creation.
“Watch and pray” therefore means nothing else than the demand to refine and strengthen the earthly human being’s ability to perceive intuitively, synonymous with bringing the spirit to life, which is the only eternal value of the human being, who alone is able to return to Paradise, the Original Creation, from which he started out. He must return there, either as matured self-conscious spirit, or as having become unconscious again; as a living, light-willed ego that has become useful in Creation, or as a torn, dead ego if it was useless in Creation.
The admonition of the Son of God to “watch and pray” is therefore one of the most serious admonitions He left to human beings on earth. At the same time, it is a threatening warning to stand useful in Creation, so that condemnation does not have to follow in the self-active working of Divine Laws in Creation.
Behold the woman! As the most precious treasure of womanhood, she has a delicacy of feeling that no other creature can attain. For this reason one should only be able to speak of noble womanhood in this Creation, because femininity carries within itself the strongest gifts for the realization of all that is good. But this also means that the greatest of responsibilities also rests upon woman. For this reason, Lucifer, with all the hosts who belong to him, has directed his main aim at woman, in order to subjugate the whole of Creation to his power.
And Lucifer, unfortunately, found all too easy footing with the woman of Subsequent Creation. Open-eyed she flew towards him and in her way poisoned the whole Subsequent Creation by converting pure concepts into distorted mirror images, which was bound to cause confusion among all human spirits. The pure flower of noble womanhood as the crown of this Subsequent Creation quickly degraded itself through the influence of the tempter to a poisonous plant that bears shimmering colours and attracts everything with its alluring fragrance to the place where it thrives, the swamp, into whose sultry softness those thus attracted sink.
Woe to the woman! Since the highest of all values, which she given she did not use properly, she must be the first on whom the Sword of Divine Justice will come down, if she does not use her own agility of spiritual intuition in the necessary ascent of earthly humanity from the ruins of a false structure of corrupt concepts, which only arose through Lucifer’s whispers. Instead of exemplary striving for the adornment of the white flower of nobility and purity, the earth woman set up a craving for admiration and vanity, which found its playground in the craving for admiration of a wrongly developed social life. She felt well that the true adornment of womanhood was lost to her and resorted to the substitute offered by darkness, seeking to offer her bodily charms for sale, becoming the shameless fool of fashion, which only drove her still deeper, dragging men with her by intensifying their instincts, which must hinder the evolution of their spirit.
But in so doing, they planted in themselves the germ which must now, in the necessary Judgment, reciprocally plunge them into ruin, all who so lacking and became rotten fruits of this Creation, because they became incapable of withstanding the approaching, purifying storms. Let no one soil his hands with the worshippers of idolatry, vanity and lust for pleasure, if they want to grasp at it for salvation from adversity. Let them sink and cast them back; there is no value in them that can be used for the new construction that is promised.
They do not see the ridiculousness and the hollowness of their actions. But their laughter and mockery of the few who still seek to preserve the decency and purity of true femininity before themselves, who have not allowed the most beautiful adornment of the girl and the woman, the tender sense of shame, to be killed, the mockery of this shall now soon pass over into cries of pain and fall silent therein!
The woman of Subsequent Creation stands on a knife's edge through the high gifts she has received. She must now give an account of what she has done with them so far. There is no excuse for this! Return and repentance are impossible, for time is up. They should all have thought of it sooner and known that their opinion cannot stand against the iron Will of God, in which only Purity rests, clear as crystal. –
But the woman of the future, who was able to save herself with her values through the time of licentious living, of Sodom and Gomorrah in the present time, and she who will be born anew, she will finally bring womanhood to that flowering which everything can only approach with the holy awe of purest reverence. She will be the woman who lives according to the Divine Will, that is, who stands in Creation in such a way that she is regarded as the radiant crown that she can and should be, flooding everything with the vibrations that she absorbs from the Luminous Heights and can pass on undimmed by virtue of her ability, which lies in the delicacy of female intuition.
The Word of the Son of God: “Watch and pray” will be embodied in every woman of the future, as it should already be embodied in every woman of the present; for in the swinging of female intuitive perception, when it strives towards purity and the Light, lies the constant watching and the most beautiful praying that is pleasing to God!
Such a vibration brings the experience of joy filled with gratitude! And that is prayer as it should be! At the same time, however, swinging also harbours a constant watchfulness, that is, vigilance! For every unpleasant thing that seeks to approach and every evil desire is already picked up and noticed by such vibrations of delicate intuition, even before it can form itself into thoughts, and then it is easy for the woman to protect herself still and always at the right time, if she herself does not want it otherwise.
And despite the subtlety of these vibrations, there is a force in them that is capable of transforming everything in Creation. There is nothing that can resist it; for this force brings Light and thus Life!
Lucifer knew that very well! And that is why he mainly addressed womanhood with his attacks and temptations! He knew that everything would fall to him if he only won over the woman. And what a pity, what a pity, he succeeded, as anyone who wants to see can clearly see today!
First and foremost, therefore, the call of the Light is again directed at the woman! She should now recognize the low level she has now reached. Should, if... vanity would allow it. But this snare of Lucifer’s holds all female under his spell, so firmly that she can no longer recognize even the Light, indeed, she no longer wants to! Not willing, because the modern woman of our time cannot separate herself from her frivolous flirtatious toying, even though she already senses vaguely within herself what she has lost by it. She even knows it quite well! And in order to numb this admonishing intuition, which is like knowledge, she runs whipped towards the new ridiculousness, blinded, to become manly in her profession and in her whole being!
Instead of returning to true womanhood, the most exquisite of fruits in all Creation! And thus to the task which you determine from the Light!
It is she who robs the man of everything noble and thus also prevents the blossoming of noble manhood.
Where the man is not able to look up to the woman in her femininity, no nation, no people can flourish!
Only genuine, purest femininity can lead and awaken a man to great deeds! Nothing else. And this is the calling of woman in Creation according to Divine Will! For with this she lifts up the people and humanity, yes, the whole Subsequent Creation; for in her alone lies this high power of gentle working! A force, irresistible and compelling, blessed by Divine Power, where it is of purest volition! Nothing equals it; for it bears beauty in the purest form in all that it works, that emanates from it! That is why its weaving run through the whole of Creation, refreshing, lifting, promoting and invigorating like a breath from the longed-for Paradise!
With all his cunning and treachery, Lucifer first reached for this pearl in the gifts of your Creator, knowing that he was tearing apart your hold and your striving for the Light! For in the woman lies the precious secret which is capable of triggering the purity and sublimity of all thoughts in Creation, the upswing to the greatest creativity, the noblest deeds.... provided that this woman is as the Creator wanted her to be by showering her with these gifts.
And you let yourselves be beguiled only too easily! Succumb to temptations without a struggle. As the willing slave of Lucifer, the woman now directs the effect of the beautiful gifts of God into the opposite and thus subjects the whole Subsequent Creation subject to darkness! Today there are only desolate distorted images of all that God wanted to bring into being in this Creation for the joy and happiness of all creatures! Everything did, indeed, come into being, but under the influence of Lucifer it has been changed and distorted, it has been wrong! For this to happen, the woman of Subsequent Creation offered herself as mediator! A sultry swamp was erected over the clear soil of purity. Radiant enthusiasm exchanged for sensual intoxication. Now you want to fight, but against every demand of the Light! To remain in the frenzy of vain self-indulgence that makes you drunk!
There are not many more who are able to withstand a clear gaze today. The largest number turn out to be lepers whose beauty, and therefore true femininity, has already been eaten away and can never be restored. So many will be left intuitively disgusted with themselves, if they can still be saved and then, years later, think back to all that they now regard as beautiful and good. It will be like awakening and recovering from the worst fever dreams!
But just as the woman was able to pull the whole Subsequent Creation down deeply, so she also has the force to lift and advance it again, since the man follows her in this. Soon, after the purification, the time will come when one can joyfully call out: Behold the woman as she should be, the real woman in all her greatness, noblest purity and power, and you experience in her the word of Christ: “Watch and pray” in all its naturalness and in the most beautiful form!