42. Miracles

42. Miracles
The explanation for this lies in the word itself. Miracles are occurrences that astonish man. It is something that he suspects is not possible. But only
suspects, because the occurrence of the miracle is already the proof that it is possible.
Miracles such as many people who believe in God imagine them do not
exist! These people see miracle as something that happens outside the Laws of Nature, even something that goes against all the Laws of Nature. In it they behold the Divine! A miracle for them is something that is only possible for their God, Who in it shows His special Grace in it and uses His Omnipotence for this purpose.
These poor humans erroneously think that with omnipotence arbitrary acts are possible and that miracles are such arbitrary acts. They do not consider the extent to which they are diminishing their God, since such miracles would be nothing less than Divine.
In the first place Divine Activity is absolute perfection, without flaws, without gaps. And perfection requires the strictest logic and complete consistency in every respect. A miracle must therefore manifest only with complete consistency in its impact. The only difference is that in a miracle, the course of development, which takes a long time in earthly terms, does indeed take place in the usual way, but at such an incredible speed, whether through the power specially bestowed upon a human being or in some other ways, that people describe everything that happens so extraordinarily quickly as wonderful, in short, as a miracle.
It can also one day be something that reaches beyond the current development and is fulfilled by concentration of force. But it will never ever take place outside the existing Laws of Nature or even oppose them. At that moment, which is in itself impossible anyway, it would lose everything Divine and become an act of arbitrariness. So it would be precisely the opposite of what many believers in God imagine. Anything that lacks strict consistency is not Divine. Every miracle is an absolutely natural process, only with extraordinary speed and concentrated force; nothing unnatural can ever happen. This is completely impossible.
If diseases that were previously ranked as incurable are cured, this is not a change in the Laws of Nature, but merely shows the great gaps in human knowledge. All the more must it be recognized as a Grace of the Creator, Who endows individual human beings here and there with special force that they can use to heal suffering humanity. But it will always be only those who keep away from all the arrogance of science, since earth-bound knowledge quite naturally stifles the ability to accept higher gifts.

Earth-bound knowledge wants to achieve, but is never able to receive purely, thus childlike. But forces coming from the spaceless and timeless can only simply be received, never acquired! This fact alone shows what is more valuable, what is more forceful and therefore what is more right!