62. The Sexual Force And Its Significance For Spiritual Advancement

I point out again that all
life in Creation is of two kinds. The conscious and the unconscious. Consciousness is the progression of all unconsciousness. It is only in becoming conscious that the image of the Creator, which we understand to be the human form, takes shape. Formation goes hand in hand with becoming consciousness.
So, in the
first actual Creation, which can only be spiritual as it is closest to the Creative Spirit, the still unconscious spiritual is also present alongside the first created conscious spiritual being. In this unconscious, with the same qualities as the conscious, naturally lies the urge for further development. But this can only take place in an increase towards self-consciousness.
When the urge to become conscious has increased to a certain degree in this spiritual unconscious, a process occurs in the most natural development which is equivalent to an earthly birth. We only have to pay attention to our surroundings. Here the gross material body automatically expels every ripe fruit. In animals and humans. Every tree also sheds its fruit. This process is a repetition of a further development, the basic feature of which lies in the
first Creation, in what is called Paradise.
In the same way,
there too, at a certain stage of maturity of the unconscious striving to become conscious, automatic rejection, a separation from the unconscious, or also called expulsion, takes place. These spiritual-unconscious particles thus expelled now form the spirit-germs of becoming human!
This is the process that is also symbolically depicted in the Bible as the expulsion from Paradise!

This process
must take place because irresponsibility lies in the unconscious, while responsibility matures evenly with consciousness.
The separation of the maturing unconscious is therefore necessary for the spiritual, which wants to evolve into consciousness out of a natural compulsion. This is progress, not regression!
Since these living germs cannot be expelled upwards, towards perfection, the only way left for them is downwards. But here they enter the realm of the more denser substance, which contains nothing spiritual.
Thus the spirit-germ, striving for consciousness, suddenly finds itself in an environment that is not homogeneous with itself, therefore
foreign to it, and is therefore practically uncovered. As a spiritual being it feels naked and bare in the denser substantiality. If it wants to stay or progress, it becomes a natural necessity for it to cover itself with a covering of essentiality of the same nature as its surroundings. Otherwise it will not be able to be active in it or to sustain itself. It therefore not only has the need to cover its nakedness on the path to knowledge, as the Bible describes it metaphorically, but here it is also a necessary development.
The germ of the emerging human spirit now passes on naturally into the World of Matter.
Here a necessary envelope of the condition of its new material environment closes around it again.
Now it is at the extreme edge of the Ethereal World.
The earth, however, is
the point of gross matter where everything that rests in Creation comes together. Here it flows together from all sections, which are otherwise strictly separated by their own peculiarities. All threads, all paths lead to the earth as if to a single meeting point. Here they unite and also produce new effects, in strong currents of power that flare up and are thrown into space! As from no other place in the World of Matter.
On this earth the fervid happenings is through the union of
all kinds of creation, for which the World of Matter helps. But, to repeat, it only be through the union of all kinds of creation, nothing of the of the Holy Spirit, and nothing Divine, which stands above and outside Creation.––
The final emissions of these earthly happenings now flow towards the spirit germ as it enters the Ethereal World. The effects wash around it. It is they that lure it, but in so doing help to awaken its consciousness and bring it to development.
Still without attachment, and therefore without fault, on this threshold of all World of Matter, it feels the strong vibratory emissions of the events which take place in the development and decay of all matter. There arises in it the desire for
closer discernment. But as soon as it forms a wish, by forming that wish it voluntarily surrenders to a certain vibration, good or bad. It is then immediately drawn by the active Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species to a species stronger than its own. It is driven to the point where the desired species pays homage in a stronger way than its own wish was.
With such an inner desire, its ethereal cloak immediately condenses according to this desire, and the Law of Gravity lets it sink further downwards.
But in the end
only the gross material earth offers it the real experience of the desire resting within it! ––
It therefore urges it on to earthly birth because it wants to go on to nibbling to tasting and enjoying. The stronger the spirit's awakening desire for
earthly enjoyment develops through nibbling, all the more denser the ethereal cloak it wears. As a result, it also becomes heavier and slowly sinks to the earth plane, where alone is the possibility of realizing its desires. Once it has reached the earth plane, however, it also becomes ripe for earthly birth.
Here also the Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species comes to bear more
clearly. Each of the immature spirits is magnetically attracted to a place where the content of its wishes will be realized by earthly men, exactly according to the wish or inclination that it carries within itself. Say, for instance, it has a desire to rule, it is not born into circumstances wherein it can now live to fulfil its desire, but it is attracted to humans with strong imperiousness, therefore feels the same way as it does, and so on. In this way he partly atones for the wrongdoing or finds happiness in the right. At least it has the opportunity to do so.
Now people wrongly assume from this process that traits or spiritual abilities are inherited!
This is wrong! Outwardly it may appear so. In reality, however, nothing of the living spirit of a human being can be passed on to a child.
There is no spiritual inheritance!
No man can give away even a speck of his living spirit!

An error has arisen on this matter that casts its obstructive and confusing shadow over many things. No child can thank his parents for any spiritual ability, nor can he blame them for any shortcomings! That would be wrong and a punishable injustice!
This marvellous work of Creation would never be so incomplete and imperfect to allow for arbitrary or random acts of spiritual inheritance!
This attraction of same species, which is significant at birth, can come from the father as well as the mother, and from anyone who is in close proximity to the mother-to-be.
That’s why an expectant mother should be careful about who she tolerate around her. It must be remembered that inner strength lies mainly in weaknesses, not in outer character. Weaknesses bring critical periods of inner experience which have a strong attraction.
Now the arrival of man to earth consists of conception, incarnation and birth. Incarnation, the entry of the soul, takes place
in the midst of pregnancy. The mutual growing maturity of both the expectant mother and of the incarnating soul produces a special earthly bond. It is a radiation which is caused by the mutual state of maturity and which, in natural release, inexorably strives towards each other. This radiation, as it becomes stronger, binds the soul and the expectant mother more and more firmly together in a demanding way, until finally, when the developing body in the womb has reached a certain degree of maturity, the soul is literally absorbed by it.
This moment of entering or being drawn in naturally brings with it the first jolt of the baby’s body, which give rise to twitches that are called the first movements of the child. With the kick the expectant mother very often experiences a transformation of her inner sensations. Depending on the type of human soul that has entered her, it can be either exhilarating or depressing. –
With the small body now developed so far, the human soul now takes on the cloak of coarse matter, which is necessary in order to be able to experience, hear, see and feel everything in the coarse material world in its entirety, which is only possible through a covering of the same substance, of
homogeneous nature or through an instrument. Only then can it move on from nibbling to actual tasting, and with this the ability to judge. That the soul must first learn to use this new body as a tool, to master it, is understandable.
This, in summary, is the development of man up to his first earthly birth.
For a long time now, no soul has been able to come to earth anymore for its first incarnation through natural events; instead, birth brings souls that have already passed through at least one life on earth. So at birth they are already tightly entangled in various karmas.
The opportunity to free oneself from this is given by the sexual force.
Through the covering of the gross material body, the soul of all humans during all childhood years is separated from the currents which from
outside seek to reach the soul. Everything dark and evil that inhabits the earth plane finds its way to the soul cut off by the gross material earthly body. So it cannot gain influence on the child, nor harm it. However, the evil that the reincarnated soul has brought with it from its past experiences will of course remain with it in childhood.
The body forms this barrier as long as it is still immature and unripe. It seems as if the soul has retreated into a castle with the drawbridge raised. During these years an unbridgeable gulf exists between the child's soul and the Ethereal World where the subtle vibrations of guilt and atonement live on. So the soul lies secure in its earthly covering, cover-ripening towards responsibility and awaiting the moment when the lowering of the raised drawbridge brings it to the real life in the World of Matter.

The Creator, through the Laws of Nature, implants in every creature the
instinct of imitation in place of a free will where no free will is not yet active. It is commonly called the “receptivity of youth”. The instinct of imitation is intended to prepare the development for life on earth until, as in the case of animals, it is enriched and supported by experience, but in humans the free will in the spirit raises it to self-conscious action!
In the child's body the incarnated spirit now lacks a radiation bridge, which can only be formed with the sexual force at the time of physical maturity. The spirit lacks this bridge for fully effective and truly dynamic activity in Creation, which can only be brought about by the uninterrupted possibility of radiation active through all types of creation. For life exists only in the radiations, and movement comes only from them and through them.
During this time the child, who can only have full influence on its environment from its
essential part of being, but not from its spiritual core, bears only a little more responsibility towards the Laws of Creation than a highly developed animal.
Meanwhile, the young body is maturing, and little by little the sexual force, which is only in
Gross Matter, is awakening within it. It is the finest and noblest flower of all Gross Matter, the highest that gross material creation can offer. In its fineness it forms the summit of all that is gross material, and therefore earthly, which, as the outermost living currents of the World of Matter, comes closest to Essentiality. The sexual force is the pulsating life of the World of Matter and alone can form the bridge to the Essentials, which in turn mediates the progress to the Spiritual.
Therefore, the awakening of the sexual force in the gross material body is like the process of lowering the drawbridge of a hitherto closed castle. The inhabitant of this castle, therefore the human soul, can then go out fully equipped and armed for battle, but equally the friends or enemies surrounding this castle can also enter it. These friends or enemies awaiting are primarily ethereal currents of a good or evil nature, but also those in the afterlife who are just waiting for someone to reach out to them with a wish of some kind, enabling them to firmly attach themselves and exert a similar influence.
But the Laws of the Creator, in the most natural progression, only ever allow an equal force to enter from outside, which can be opposed from within, so that an unequal contest is out of the question – as long as no sin is committed. For every unnatural sexual urge provoked by artificial stimulation opens this strong fortress prematurely, exposing the soul, which is not yet evenly strengthened. It must succumb to the assailing evil ethereal currents to which it would otherwise be absolutely equal.
Normally in the normal process of maturation, there can only ever be equal force on both sides. What tips the scale here is the castle dweller, not the besiegers. So with constant good will, one will always be victorious in the Ethereal World. That is to say, in the processes of the world beyond the earthly, which the average man cannot see as long as he is still on the earth, and yet with which he is closely connected and much more lively than in his gross material surroundings which are visible to him.
But if the inhabitant in the castle
voluntarily reaches out his hand to an external ethereal friend or foe, including the currents, therefore by his own wish or free decision, it is of course quite different. Since he thereby attunes himself to a certain kind of besiegers waiting outside, they can easily unleash tenfold and a hundredfold force against him. If it is good, he will receive help and blessing. But if it is evil, he will reap destruction. In this free choice lies the activity of his own free will. Once he has made the decision, he is then unconditionally subject to the consequences. His free will then switches off for these consequences. Good or bad karma is bound to him according to his own choice, to which he will naturally succumb as long as he does not change within. –
The sexual force has the task and also the ability to
“glow through” all spiritual intuitions of a soul in an earthly way. It is only through this that the spirit can be properly connected with all materiality, that it also becomes fully earthly. Only then is it able to embrace all that is necessary to assert itself in this materiality, to stand firm in it, to have a penetrating influence, to have protection and to be fully equipped to exercise its defence victoriously.
There is something stupendous in the connection.
This is the main purpose of this mysterious, immeasurable natural instinct! It is supposed to help the spiritual unfold its full force in this material world! Without this sexual force it would be impossible, due to the lack of a transition to the animation and mastery of all materiality. The spirit would have to remain too alien to matter to be able to have the right effect in it.
But this also gives the human spirit its full vigour, its warmth and vitality. It is only through this process that it becomes battle-ready for earth.
So it is here responsibility comes in! A serious turning point in every human being.
At this significant point, however, the wise Justice of the Creator also gives man simultaneously not only the opportunity, but even the natural impulse to shake off
easily and effortlessly all the karma with which he has burdened his free will up to this point!
If man wastes the time, it is
his own fault. Think about it for a moment: With the onset of sexual force, there stirs first of all a tremendous upward momentum towards all that is ideal, beautiful and pure! This can be clearly noticeable in unspoiled youth of both sexes. Hence the romanticizations of the adolescent years, which are unfortunately often ridiculed by adults. Hence also the inexplicable, slightly melancholy feelings during these years.
The hours in which it seems as if a young man or a maiden has to bear all the world’s pain, when they are confronted with intuitions of a deep seriousness, are not unfounded. Even the feeling of not being understood, which happens so often, actually has a lot of truth in it. It is the temporary recognition of the false structure of the world around them, which does not want to, or cannot understand the sacred attempts of pure lofty flight, and is only satisfied when this so strongly admonishing feeling in the maturing souls is dragged down into the more understandable “real” and sober, which in their opinion is better suited to humanity, and which in their one-sided sense of understanding they consider to be the only healthy approach!
The mysteriously radiant charm of an unspoiled maiden or an unspoiled young man is nothing more than the pure sympathies of the awakening sexual force welling up towards the higher, the noblest, in union with the spiritual force!
The Creator has carefully arranged for this to happen in man only at an age when he is fully conscious of his will and actions. Then comes the time when, in conjunction with full power that is within him what has been left over from his past, he can and should easily shake off. It would even fall away on its own accord if man maintained the will to do good, to which he is incessantly urged at this time. In this way, as the intuitions quite rightly indicate, he could effortlessly rise to the level to which he belongs as a human being! Behold the dreaminess of unspoiled youth! It is nothing more than a feeling of impetus, a desire to break free from all filth, an ardent longing for the ideal. The driving restlessness, however, is the sign not to waste time, but to shake off karma energetically and to begin the spiritual ascent.
It is a glorious thing to stand in this unified force, to work
in it and with it! However, only as long as the direction chosen by man is a good one. But there is also nothing more pathetic than to squander these forces one-sidedly in blind sensual orgies, paralyzing one's spirit.
But unfortunately, in most cases man misses this so precious transition period and lets himself to be led by the “know-it-alls” around him on to wrong paths, which hold him down and then lead him downwards. As a result, not only is he
not able to throw off the cloudy vibrations that cling to him, but on the contrary, he only receives a new supply of forces of the same kind as his own, and so man's free will becomes more and more entangled until he is no longer able to recognize it because of the unnecessary overgrowth. It’s is like a creeping plant, to which a healthy trunk initially offers support, and which eventually cuts off the trunk's own life by strangling it with its overgrowth.
If man paid better attention at himself and to what is happening in the whole of Creation, no karma could become stronger than the full force of his spirit, once through sexual force he gets a seamless connection with the World of Matter, to which karma belongs.
Even if man misses the time, if he continues to get entangled, perhaps even sinks deeply, he still has the opportunity to ascend: through love!
Not the desiring love of the gross material, but the high, pure love that knows and wants nothing other than the wellbeing of the loved one. It also belongs to the World of Matter and demands no renunciation, no penitence, but it always wants only the best for others. And this will, which never
thinks of itself, also provides the best protection against any attack.
Even in old age, love is also based on the ideal, yearning feelings of unspoilt youth, at the time when the sexual force awakens. But it manifests itself in a different way: it spurs the mature man on to the fullest use of all his abilities, even to the point of heroism. There is no fixed age limit here. The sexual force remains even when the lower sex drive is switched off; for the sexual force and the sexual drive are not one and the same thing.
As soon as one makes room for pure love, whether it is a man’s love for a woman, or vice versa, for a friend, a girlfriend, a parent, a child, whoever, if it is only pure, it also brings as its first gift the possibility of casting off karma, which can very quickly “symbolically” dissolve. It “dries up” because it no longer finds the same attraction, more nourishment in the person. This sets him free! And so begins the ascent, the release from the unworthy chains that hold him down.
The first intuition that awakens is a feeling of unworthiness towards the other person. One can call this process the acquisition of modesty and humility, two great virtues. This is followed by the urge to clasp hands protectively, so that no harm can come from either side. The “desire to carry another on one’s hand” is not an empty phrase, but rather describes the rising intuition quite correctly. In this, however, also lies a renunciation of one's own personality, a great will to serve, which alone could suffice to throw off all karma in a short time, if the will persists and does not give way to purely sensual drives. Finally, with pure love comes also the fervent desire to do great things for the beloved in a noble sense, not to hurt or offend him with any look, thought or word, much less with any unpleasant action. The most tender consideration comes to life.
Then it is important to hold on to this purity of feeling and put it above everything else. No one in this state will ever want or do anything bad. He simply cannot, but, on the contrary, has in his feelings the best protection, the greatest force, the most well-meaning adviser and helper.
The Creator, in His Wisdom, gave a lifebuoy, which bumps every human being not just once in their life on earth, so that they may hold on to it and swing upwards!
Help is there for
everyone. It makes no difference, neither in age nor gender, neither rich nor poor, nor noble or lowly. That’s why love is God’s greatest gift! Whoever grasps it is sure to be saved, from every distress and every depth!
Love is able to lift him up with the force of a storm to the Light of God, Who Himself is Love. ––
As soon as love surges in man, he then strives to give light and joy to the other, not to drag him down with impure desires, but to lift him up in a protective way, to serve him without being aware that he is really serving; for in this way he becomes a more of a selfless giver, a joyful giver. And this desire to serve sets him free!
In order to find the right path, man should always pay attention to only one thing. One great and strong desire hangs over all people on earth: to
truly be to themselves what they are capable of being in the eyes of their beloved. And this desire is the right way! It leads directly up on High.
Many opportunities are now being offered to many people to rise up and soar without them seizing them.
The man of today is only like a man who has been given a kingdom and prefers to waste his time with children’s toys.
It is not only natural, and to be expected, that the enormous forces that has been given to man must
crush him if he does not understand how to direct them.
The sexual force must also destroy individuals and entire nations where its
main function is abused! The purpose of procreation is only secondary.
And what a tool the sexual force gives to each one so that he may also recognize his main task and
live it!
Think of the physical feeling of shame! This awakens at the same time as the sexual force and is given for
Here too, as in the whole of Creation, there is a triad and, as we descend, an increasing coarsening. The feeling of shame, as the first consequence of sexual force, is supposed to form a bridge that restrains the sexual instinct, so that man, at his heights, does not indulge in his sex act like an animal.
Woe to those who do not heed this!
A strong sense of shame ensures that man can never lose himself in sensual frenzy! It protects against passion; for, it will never allow the opportunity of being oblivious even for a fraction of a moment, in completely natural happenings.
by force of will is man able to thrust aside this wonderful gift in order to indulge himself so bestially! But such forcible interference with the Creator's order of the world must become a curse to him; for then the unbounded force of the physical sexual drive in its unleashed state is no longer natural to him.
If the sense of shame is lacking, man is taken from the master to the servant, torn away from his human level and placed even below the animal.
Remember this man, that strong shame alone prevents the possibility of falling. The strongest defence is given to you.
The greater the shame, the more
noble is the urge and the higher man stands spiritually. This is the best gauge of his inner spiritual value! This gauge is infallible and easily recognizable by everyone. With the strangulation or removal of the outer sense of shame, the finer and most valuable qualities of the soul are always suffocated at the same time, thus rendering the inner man worthless.
It is an unmistakable sign of a deep fall and certain decay when humanity, under the falsehood of progress, begins to want to “rise” above the jewel of shame, which is beneficial in every way! Be it under the guise of sport, health care, fashion, parenting, or under many other welcome pretexts. The decline and fall are then unstoppable, and only a horror of the greatest kind can bring individuals to their senses.
And yet it is made easy for people on earth to take the path upwards.
You just need to become “natural”. Being natural, however, does not mean walking around half-naked or walking around barefoot in strange clothes! Being natural means paying careful attention to your inner feelings and not forcing yourself to ignore their warnings! Just so as not to be considered unfashionable.
Unfortunately, more than half of all people today have become too dull to still understand natural feelings. They have already constricted themselves far too much. A scream of shock and horror will be the end of it!
Blessed is he who can then revive his sense of shame! It will be his shield and his support when all else lies in ruins.