84. Man: His Place In Creation

My words asserting that man has no particle of divinity within him, raised a storm of indignation which spread like a flood over the borders of one country after another. This shows how deeply presumption is rooted in mankind.

But all opposition is fruitless, for it does not alter the fact. And when at last men have got so far that they are convinced that man has no divinity in him, they will find to their dismay, that he is still smaller than they had thought.

I will, therefore, go a little further than I have hitherto done in my explanation of Creation, in order to show to which stage man properly belongs. It is not possible for him to ascend until he knows exactly what he is and of what he is capable. When this has been made clear to him, he will know what his duty is. What he should do is very different from what he has been willing to do up till now. Truly an immense difference. He who can see clearly, not with the vision of a
seer, but with the insight of one who knows, cannot have compassion or feel pity, but must be filled with anger and contempt at the stupendous pretensions hundreds of thousands in their self-conceit are hourly and daily guilty of towards God—presumption that has not a grain of knowledge to justify it.

In a word: what I say in future will be addressed to the few who in virtue of their true humility are able to attain a certain degree of understanding without necessarily having been previously broken on the wheel by the events which are soon to come to pass, to clear the way and prepare fruitful soil for His true Word according to Divine ordinance. All empty words and effusions of the worldly-wise and the self-confident will come to naught and crumble away together with the absolutely unfruitful soil of the present day.

It is high time that this senseless profusion of empty words should cease, for they are poison for all aspirants.

I had scarcely explained that the Son of God and the Son of Man were two different persons than treatise upon treatise in the complicated jargon of theological and philosophical scholars appeared, stating that this was not so. Without honestly going into my arguments, they sought to keep up the old error at any price, even at the cost of all logic, using the obscure terms of former dogmatic writings. Obstinate appeals are made to certain sentences out of ancient manuscripts, to the exclusion of all independent reasoning; indeed, though unexpressed, the condition is made that hearers and readers should not think, still less allow their intuition to speak, for should they do so, it would very soon appear that nothing is proved by this idle talk. Whether they reason inductively or deductively, no positive or consistent result can be arrived at, nor can one discover any connection between the many words and what really happened.

When, at last, man's inner eyes and ears are opened, he will easily recognize the nullity of such teaching. It is but a convulsive clinging to what has hitherto been their support, which will soon, however, prove to be but a broken reed.

As these false dogmas are built upon the authority of sentences, the translation of which cannot be depended on or proved to be correct; not one of them can be logically inserted into the chain of events, nor do they satisfy man's intuition of what is true. It is only when all the links of a chain can be united to the exclusion of all extraneous matter, that events can be rightly explained.

But why trouble when it is not man's wish to be freed from his obstinate fatuity? Let
that come to pass which under the circumstances must come to pass! Only a few years and all this will be changed! I turn with disgust from the pious believers who pretend to be humble and yet who are so self-opinionated that they cannot recognize the simple truth; they laugh at it or even benevolently suggest improvements. The way to which these so persistently keep, is the way that leads to a region from which there is no return to life! They have had the right of choice.

Those who have up till now followed me, know that man belongs to the highest sphere of Creation, that is to say, to the Spiritual Kingdom. But the Spiritual Kingdom again is subdivided into many sections. The inhabitants of this earth, the earth-men, who pretend to greatness and who dare belittle their God by affirming that their God is but the head of the section to which man belongs, these earth-men who sometimes deny their God and at other times scorn Him, these earth-men are not even what many a humble soul in all good faith thinks he is — they are not the
created of God, but merely developed creatures. In this there is such a vast difference that man cannot conceive it, and will never be able to grasp its full meaning.

Spiritual teachers and leaders who are anxious to increase the number of their adherents have fine words at their command and they hold out prospects that are pleasant to many. These ignorant teachers are themselves convinced of the truth of what they spread abroad but do not know what harm their teaching does to mankind.

The man who wishes to advance spiritually, must, to begin with, be quite sure what he is. If this great question
what am I has not been satisfactorily solved utterly regardless of every personal consideration, his path will verily be a thorny one. Voluntarily and of his own accord, no man will abase his pride to the degree of humility necessary to show him the path he is to take. And this has always proved to be so up to the present time. Even the virtue of humility man abuses, for he either so exaggerates it to be an abject slave, which is just as wrong as to be presumptuous, or he affects exaggerated humility for the sake of an end he can never attain, something his very composition will not allow. In aspiring to what is too exalted for men, they will only fall to depths that will destroy them.

Only beings
created by God are fashioned after His Image. They are the Primeval Beings, the pure spirits who dwell in Paradise, the Creation, out of which all else developed. They have dominion over all that is spiritual, that is to say, they are the principal leaders, they are the ideals, the prototypes ever there for men to imitate. It was not until Original Creation had been fully elaborated that the unconscious spirit germ of the earth-man issued from it to develop itself to fully conscious individuality.

Not till this spirit has reached perfection on its long journey in obedience to God's ordinance, will it be the reflection of those beings who were created by God in His own likeness. The human spirit will never be more, for there is a great gulf between him and them.

And again there is a mighty gulf — an immense distance — between them and Almighty God. Therefore, the earth-man should make an effort to realize what an immensity of difference lies between him and the sublimity of the Almighty whom he claims to resemble, for the latter presumes that when he has reached perfection, he will be Divine or at least be a portion of Divinity, whereas, in truth, when he has arrived or risen to his greatest height, he will only be a reflection, a copy, of the beings made in the image of God. He may then enter the precincts of the Castle of the Holy Grail as the highest honour to which he can aspire and attain.

Therefore, cast aside your presumption. It is but a hindrance, and prevents you finding the right way. Departed spirits, who give well-meaning advice and teaching in séances, are not competent teachers, for they themselves have not the necessary knowledge. They could (and would) rejoice, if they could hear of these things. When true knowledge comes to them, great will be their lamentations at the time wasted in obstinate and fruitless toying.

What happens in the Spiritual Kingdom happens also in the world of natural substance. The Lords of the elements have been created from the beginning, and are primeval created beings, but the conscious natural beings such as nixes, elves, gnomes, salamanders, etc. are not
created but have developed out of the substance of the natural realm from unconscious germs to consciousness, and have clothed themselves in human shapes. Taking shape is always accompanied by and goes hand in hand with becoming conscious. There are the same stages or ranks here in the world of nature as on a higher plane, in the Spiritual Kingdom. The Lords of the elements in the world of natural substance are clothed according to the nature of their activity in male or female forms like the beings in the Spiritual Kingdom. Hence the ancients spoke of gods and goddesses, which I dealt with in my Lecture Gods, Olympus, and Valhalla?*____

One marked and distinctive feature characterizes Creation and thus our world.

The reader should probe my lectures, seek to connect them and then compare what they teach with the great and small happenings of real life in the world. Not till he has done this, can he fully understand the Message of the Holy Grail, and he will see that it forms a consecutive whole, leaving no gaps anywhere. He will find that the subject matter of each new subsequent Lecture is logically connected with what has gone before, and the later information can be deduced from the former making all clear without altering one sentence. He who finds
gaps has not arrived at full comprehension of the subject. He who does not see how deep and all-comprehensive the teaching is, has a superficial mind, has never tried to let his living spirit penetrate the truth here presented to him.

Let him join the army of self-sufficient, conceited braggarts who go about vaunting that their knowledge surpasses that of all others. Self-conceit and self- confidence prevent them from recognizing the living reality that is wanting in their own pseudo-knowledge in that what another says. The self-sufficient but sterile offspring of a debased generation, dismiss what is said here as a difference in words only, but not in fact. They will never be able to grasp the great cleft between the two orders; here again it is the simplicity of the words that confuses and deceives them.

Should I now tell of all the divisions and sub-divisions in Creation, many a man considered great would prostrate himself in the dust, overwhelmed and crushed by the knowledge of his nothingness and insignificance.

The expression
earth-worm is quite appropriate to designate the great minds who boast today of their great sagacity, but who will soon be grovelling with the lowest, unless indeed they are not turned away irretrievably.

The time has come to look at things in the world in the right perspective. Here below what is temporal is distinguished from what is spiritual, and these terms are very appropriate and must have been inspired, for they rightly reflect the distinction made in all Creation. We distinguish Paradise and the World, that is what is spiritual and what is temporal. What is spiritual is not excluded from the temporal, but nothing temporal is to be found in the spiritual sphere. We must call matter the world through which the spirit pulsates. What proceeds from the spirit belongs to the spiritual world, to spiritual Creation, to Paradise, from which all matter is excluded. Thus we have Paradise and the World, Spirit and Matter, Original Creation and the subsequently developed or automatic copy of the first Creation.

Paradise alone is Original Creation, the Realm of Spirituality. Everything else is only
developed, not created. And what is developed must be called the World.

The world is transient; it develops from rays emanating from Creation proper, and spiritual emanations urge and help it to copy the forms before it. The world undergoes the process of coming to maturity, of ageing and then decaying, but what is of the spirit does not age, but remains ever young or in other words is eternally the same.

It is only in the
world that sin and atonement are possible, and this is due to the defects in the copy, to its faultiness and incompleteness of development. In the Spiritual Kingdom any sort of fault or sin is utterly impossible. He who has seriously read my Lectures, clearly understands that nothing of the spirit, which courses through the world, can re-enter the purely spiritual world as long as an atom of other substance still clings to it. The smallest atom would prevent it from crossing the border. It would be retained even if the spirit had come to the very threshold of the Spiritual Kingdom. This atom is of a lower order of substance and as long as it clings to the human spirit, it prevents its entering this higher region; but the moment the spirit has shaken off this speck, it is released and soars upward; then, being the same weight as the lowest strata of the Spiritual Kingdom, it not only can but must cross the threshold, where up till then it was held up by the atom of dust. This process can be looked at from many points of view and described in many different ways, but, however illustrated, it remains exactly the same. I could dress it up in fantastic stories or clothe its meaning in parables, but the bare facts themselves are very plain and simple; they result from the unfailing effect of the three great laws of which I have so often spoken.

No evil can approach Paradise, no sin can be committed there, because the Holy Spirit Itself created it. Only what is created is perfect and complete, whereas in the reproduction, the copy of Divine Creation, the training ground which was given over to the human spirit to develop and gather strength in, sin was introduced by the perversity and obstinacy of man, and these sins must be atoned for before the spirit can return to its home. It is quite natural that it must first rid itself of its debt. I could give thousands of examples to illustrate the working of the three Divine laws on which all is based.

Many will find it strange that my description is so realistic and matter of fact, allegorical illustrations would be more flattering to man's presumption and self-love. He prefers to live in dreamland where he appears to himself of much greater importance than he really is. That is his mistake: he rejects reality and revels in imagination; in his flights of fancy he loses his way, himself and his hold, and is then horrified, perhaps even indignant at my sober and unembellished account of how things are in Creation and what role he plays there. The transition is for him somewhat like the experience of the child who listens with flushed cheeks and baited breath to mother's or grandmother's fairy stories and later on goes out into the world and sees men and things as they really are. All seems absolutely the reverse of the beautiful tales, and yet, if you look keenly and retrospectively at these fairy tales, it is the same.

The moment of disillusionment is bitter but necessary for the child, for it would otherwise make no progress, would be a stranger in the world, would suffer grievously and perish. He who would advance must acquire the right knowledge of Creation. His feet must stand on firm ground; he must no longer go by, or depend upon impressions and imagination, which may be all very well for an irresponsible child but are quite unsuitable for a mature man whose strength of will and purpose penetrates Creation, either advancing or hindering it, thus himself rising
or perishing.

Young girls read novels which misrepresent real life and awake extravagant illusions, for later they only too often become the easy prey of unscrupulous adventurers in whom they put their trust and who ruin their lives, and as happens in the world of matter, so it happens and is with the human spirit in all Creation. Therefore, away with allegories, which men will never understand because they are too indolent to ponder them and unravel their meaning. It is time to tear away all veils so that man shall see clearly where he came from, what his duties are in fulfilling the task allotted to him and what his destination is. For this purpose it is necessary for him to know the way, and this way he will find clearly marked out in my Message from the Holy Grail. The words therein are living words, and those who honestly thirst for enlightenment will be richly rewarded. But those alone; all others it automatically repels. To the conceited and superficial seeker the Message is a book with seven seals.

Only he who willingly opens himself will receive enlightenment. He must start reading in an honest and unbiased spirit, and he will receive answer to all he seeks; he will be fed with heavenly bread. But those, whose hearts are neither pure nor sincere, will be repelled by the Word; to them it will refuse to yield up its secret treasures. They will find nothing. Each man will then be judged according to his attitude. It automatically separates one man from another according to the way in which they respond. The time for dreaming is past.
The Word brings Judgment with it!

All this is so simple, to most men too simple, so that they cannot conceive that
this is the beginning of the great Reckoning, of the awful Day of Judgment. It is the first sorting and separating of human spirits. Each is sentenced and judgment passed according to his attitude towards the New Word of God. Judgment does not lie in the ensuing events, for every man is obliged to pursue the paths that he chose and determined on to the end where he will find his reward or his punishment. Once more occasion is offered for man to awake, that is when he is shaken by the coming catastrophes. The great tribulation may compel him to serious thought, and possibly some may lay hold of the rope thrown out to save them from sinking further in the quagmire they are in. How easily that might have been avoided, but now it is too late! May it happen that these terrible events be the saving of those who will in time see the nothingness of their false prophets and leaders in whom they so firmly believed and trusted. Truth alone will survive these coming events and make known the leader chosen and sent by God who alone will have the power to help in the desperate spiritual and temporal need of man.

*) Lecture No. 82: The Gods, Olympus, and Valhalla.